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My mission is to help others embrace the chaos that surrounds us and to thrive from it.

ˈəndərˌtō (undertow)

ˈəndərˌtō (undertow)

ˈəndərˌtō (undertow)
Peculiar bubbles appear around me as I drift down the balmy sea. Wisps of kelp tickle my feet, drawing my attention to the briny deep. An entirely different world lives beneath me. Munching on ogo algae, it reminds me of home and the beach. Though, experiencing the pelagic is far more interesting. A pea urchin joined my journey last week, he told me he was in dire need. The urchin found himself lost, just like me. Floating on, the water never disappoints. In constant awe of the wonderments in sight. This clumsy process of learning about myself has been a real delight.
- Emily Minor

ke’līd (collide)

ke’līd (collide)

ˈhēaliNG (healing)

ˈhēaliNG (healing)